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Flotilla Sailing Holidays in Halkidiki

flotilla in Halkidiki

Sailing in Halkidiki

You’ve seen the whitewashed villages and azure waters of Halkidiki in Greece a zillion times on postcards and travel brochures, but even the greatest images are no match for the real thing. Exploring Halkidiki by sea puts you in touch with a side of it you’d otherwise miss, giving you the chance to see where history (and myth) happened and, of course, soak up as much sun as you can.

All of Halkidiki is at your fingertips. You have the freedom to explore as much of it as you like. Choose how you want to spend your holiday at sea and we will help you make that happen. Whether you want to sit, laze, relax, and soak in the sea breeze and beautiful sights or if you want to explore and discover all the incredible natural wonders that Halkidiki have to offer.

Flotilla Sailing Holidays in Halkidiki

Flotilla vacations offer an informal, relaxed and unique experience for families, couples and groups across beautiful sailing grounds in Halkidiki, Greece.

If you can’t sail or would rather someone take the helm for you, you can hire a skipper for the duration of your vacation. We also offer the chance to learn to sail while on flotilla.

Our range of flotilla sailing holidays allow those with little experience to have a go, whilst offering experienced sailors the opportunity to simply relax, whilst introducing family and friends to their hobby

Whether you are unqualified, a new skipper or an old hand, there is a flotilla for you. Great for groups, couples and families with children, social sailing is the way to go.

Read more about flotilla sailing in Halkidiki

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